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Mo-Fr 10 am — 7 pm, Sa & Su days off
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Mo-Fr 10 am — 7 pm, Sa & Su days off

Attorney services

Main >> Services >> Attorney services
We assist in organizing an initial online or offline consultation of a legal practitioner from among our partners specializing in family, administrative, criminal and civil disputes and cases.

Assistance involving the attorney services

Selection and initial contact with an attorney or lawyer having the required specialization depending on your situation

- Obtaining information about the situation
- Selection of an attorney specializing in the required area of law
- Booking an initial consultation

When the attorney services are required

Divorce proceedings

Interacting with law enforcement authorities

Interacting with regulatory authorities concerning administrative offences

Violation of consumer rights

Controversial real life situations

Any litigations

Work stages

Obtaining information about the situation

We will remotely obtain the initial information about the situation from you to organize necessary assistance.

Selection of a specialist and booking an appointment

We will select a lawyer or attorney to resolve your problem in the most efficient way at a minimum cost and book an appointment in a fast track at the earliest possible time.

Payment for the initial legal consultation

Completion of work

Upon receipt by you of the appointment date and time, phone and business address of the specialist, upon expiry of time for the appointment.

Learn why the attorney services are required in difficult situations

Or contact us via messengers
IC CHASTNY KAPITAL Limited Liability Company
INN: 7710624430
KPP: 770301001
OGRN: 1067746492703
Contact information:
Mo-Fr 10 am — 7 pm, Sa & Su days off
58 Baumanskaya St., bldg 16, Moscow, Russia
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